The research topics relating to the “Experimental Physics” macro-area concern, to a significant extent, the integrated use of experimental investigation techniques, such as the diffusion of laser light (static light scattering, photon correlation spectroscopy, Rayleigh scattering, Rayleigh, Brillouin, Raman) and infrared absorption in Fourier transform, with experiments conducted in the laboratories of the Department of Physics and Earth Sciences of the University of Messina, neutron scattering (neutron diffraction, quasi-elastic neutron scattering, scattering elastic neutron, small-angle neutron scattering), with experiments conducted at the ISIS Facility (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton-Didcot, Oxford), the Berlin Neutron Scattering Center (BENSC, Hahn-Meitner-Institut of Berlin), the Laboratoire Léon Brillouin (LLB) of Saclay-Paris, the Laue Langevin Institute (ILL) of Grenoble, and at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL, USA), EXAFS, ultrasonic techniques, thermodynamic measurements, etc. .., for the characterization of space-time correlations of systems of biophysical and biotechnological interest.