National Workshop on Scientific Journalism at the University of Messina with VIP RAI Journalists on 13 January 2023

Nuovo evento d’eccellenza con Giornalisti Vip a Messina: il workshop nazionale, aperto al pubblico, intitolato “Il Giornalismo Scientifico ai giorni nostri” si terrà il 13 gennaio 2023, ore 9, all’Università di Messina nella Sala Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti (Piazza Pugliatti 1). L’evento è organizzato dal Prof. Salvatore Magazù del MIFT (Dipartimento Scienze Matematiche Informatiche Fisiche della Terra), da Byto, società di comunicazione nazionale del giornalista e portavoce parlamentare Antonio Ivan Bellantoni, dal giornalista di Ansa e Gianluca Rossellini e dall’Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti. Per l’occasione, interverranno con una Lectio Magistralis tre Giornalisti Rai noti al grande pubblico: Marco Frittella, Direttore Editoriale Rai Libri e già Conduttore Tg1 e “Unomattina”; Barbara Carfagna, Conduttrice Tg1 e Autrice-Conduttrice “Codice: la vita è digitale” su Rai Uno; Romolo Sticchi, Inviato Speciale Tg3 e Curatore “Pixel” su Rai Tre. Ricco il parterre dei relatori: Carmelo Picciotto (Presidente Confcommercio Messina); Giuseppe Ruggeri (Medico e Giornalista); Giovanni Pioggia (Ingegnere Responsabile Irib-Cnr Messina); Dimitri Salonia (Artista e Divulgatore Scientifico); Maria Teresa Caccamo (Ricercatrice MIFT); Prof. Salvatore Magazù; Gianluca Rossellini; Antonio Ivan Bellantoni. L’evento è organizzato in collaborazione con Università di Messina, Ansa, SIF (Società Italiana di Fisica), AIF (Associazione per l’Insegnamento della Fisica), Ristorante Salotto Fellini, Fipe (Federazione Italiana Pubblici Servizi), Lisciotto Viaggi, Cisfa (Consorzio Interuniversitario Scienze Fisiche Applicate), Società Italiana di Fisica, Motostore D’Arrigo Honda, Confcommercio Messina, Caronte&Tourist, Residence Cine Apollo, Gruppo Lem Tipografia, Fondazione Salonia (che donerà all’Università un’Opera pittorica sul tema dell’evento) e Ristorante Il Siciliano. I Giornalisti Rai Frittella, Carfagna e Sticchi riceveranno una Targa al Merito Professionale durante l’evento, che avrà come tema dominante “il giornalismo scientifico quale protagonista assoluto nella produzione culturale e nello sviluppo economico della nostra società, specie in un’epoca segnata dall’aumento di fake news su argomenti cruciali per scelte individuali e collettive legati al mondo della ricerca”.


New event of excellence with VIP Journalists in Messina: the national workshop, open to the public, entitled “Scientific Journalism today” will be held on 13 January 2023, 9 am, at the University of Messina in the Sala Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti ( Piazza Pugliatti 1). The event is organized by Prof. Salvatore Magazù of the MIFT (Department of Mathematical, Informative and Physical Earth Sciences), by Byto, the national communication company of the journalist and parliamentary spokesperson Antonio Ivan Bellantoni, by the journalist of Ansa and Gianluca Rossellini and by ‘Peloritana Academy of the Pericolanti. For the occasion, three Rai journalists known to the general public will speak with a Lectio Magistralis: Marco Frittella, Editorial Director of Rai Libri and former presenter of Tg1 and “Unomattina”; Barbara Carfagna, Tg1 presenter and author-presenter of “Code: life is digital” on Rai Uno; Romolo Sticchi, Special Correspondent for Tg3 and Editor of “Pixel” on Rai Tre. The parterre of speakers is rich: Carmelo Picciotto (President of Confcommercio Messina); Giuseppe Ruggeri (Doctor and Journalist); Giovanni Pioggia (Responsible Engineer Irib-Cnr Messina); Dimitri Salonia (Artist and Scientific Communicator); Maria Teresa Caccamo (MIFT Researcher); Prof. Salvatore Magazù; Gianluca Rossellini; Antonio Ivan Bellantoni. The event is organized in collaboration with the University of Messina, Ansa, SIF (Italian Physics Society), AIF (Association for the Teaching of Physics), Ristorante Salotto Fellini, Fipe (Italian Federation of Public Services), Lisciotto Viaggi, Cisfa ( Interuniversity Consortium of Applied Physical Sciences), Italian Physics Society, Motostore D’Arrigo Honda, Confcommercio Messina, Caronte&Tourist, Residence Cine Apollo, Gruppo Lem Tipografia, Fondazione Salonia (which will donate a pictorial work on the theme of the event to the University) and Il Siciliano restaurant. The Rai Journalists Frittella, Carfagna and Sticchi will receive a Plaque of Professional Merit during the event, which will have as its dominant theme “scientific journalism as the absolute protagonist in the cultural production and economic development of our society, especially in an era marked by increase in fake news on topics crucial for individual and collective choices related to the world of research”.

Meeting between the Air Force and the University of Messina at the Meteorological Teleposto of Messina

.During the morning of 01/26/2022, an official meeting was held at the Meteorological Teleposta of the Air Force, located in Messina, in Viale Regina Margherita, which was attended by representatives of the Air Force, the Commander of the 41st Antisom Wing and Sigonella Airport, Col. Pil. Howard Lee Rivera, Lt. Col. Francesco Messina, Lt. Col. Franco Colombo, M.llo Giovanni Capodivento, M.llo Renato Cancelliere and other Air Force officers.

For the University of Messina, Prof. Salvatore Magazù was present, coordinator of the research group in Environmental Physics operating within the Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Physical Sciences and Earth Sciences (MIFT) and President of CISFA, Prof. Luigia Puccio, Prof. Antonio Teramo, Prof. Fabio Todesco, Prof. Maria Teresa Caccamo, Dr. Domenica De Domenico, and Doctors Giuseppe Castorina, Antonino Marino and Agostino Semperbello.

Due to the broad commonality of intent and the complementarity of the approaches and data available to the two bodies, the objective of the meeting was to discuss and prepare a collaboration agreement between the two bodies, also in relation to the logistical proximity between the Teleposto Meteorological Observatory of the Air Force of Messina and the Seismological Observatory of the Peloritano University where environmental monitoring activities of scientific and applicative interest are carried out which are considered strategic for the entire regional territory.

In particular, during the meeting we talked about the use of modeling chains with high spatial and temporal resolution, specifically optimized for the Sicilian regional territory, on the transport at high altitude and on the deposition on the ground of the volcanic ash released into the atmosphere following the paroxysmal events recorded in the Sicilian volcanic areas. Furthermore, in the regional territory of Sicily, there are various airport structures, both civil and military, such as the Falcone Borsellino airports of Palermo, Fontanarossa of Catania, Sigonella, Trapani Birgi and Comiso, as well as the airports of the Calabria region (i.e. Lamezia Terme and Reggio Calabria) which are affected by the volcanic ash released into the atmosphere by the eruptions of the volcanoes Etna and Stromboli. In this regard, the presence of volcanic ash on aircraft flight paths and its deposit on airport grounds causes inconvenience to flights and infrastructures and, sometimes, the closure of the airports and infrastructures involved. It is therefore essential to provide useful information for air traffic control, in order to mitigate the risk that aircraft, in flight and/or during landing/take-off, may impact the volcanic clouds released into the atmosphere during paroxysmal events.

In closing, the Commander of the 41st Antisom Wing and Sigonella Airport, Col. Pil. Howard Lee Rivera handed over to Prof. Salvatore Magazù the 2022 Calendar of the Air Force, a calendar that is part of the path that will lead the Armed Forces to celebrate, on 28 March 2023, its first hundred years of life.

1st International Summer School STROMBOLI

Spectroscopic Techniques Recording Operations and Modeling

Based On Landscape Investigations

The 1st International Summer School titled STROMBOLI –“Spectroscopic Techniques Recording Operations and Modeling Based On Landscape Investigations” will take place at the Stromboli island form October 15th to October 18th.

The subjects dealt concern volcanology, experimental monitoring techniques, atmospheric, weather and environmental modeling, with a particular focus on volcanic ash trasport and deposition, spectroscopic techniques, and geophysics, geological and seismological peculiarities of the whole Mediterranean area. The School includes theoretical lectures, practical sessions (practicals) and guided excursions to the craters of Stromboli and Vulcano.

The theoretical lectures will be held by experts from international universities and research institutions. Practicals will be addressed to the experimental analysis of volcanic samples by means of spectroscopic techniques (e.g. IR and Raman, via portable and top-table spectrometers), devices for physical, geophysical and geochemical analyses (e.g. Radon emissions and volcanic particulate characterization), to volcanic ash monitoring, by means of drones, and to the meteorological and environmental forecasts, by means of modeling chains and satellite images analyses.

The school is addressed to researchers, graduate students and university students. Participants will have the opportunity to present a short oral or poster contribution whose contents, reported in an article prepared according to specific guidelines, can be published in a special issue of a Scopus indexed journal.

The 1st International Summer School Stromboli will be followed by the AEROMAT Conference, which will be held from 18th October to 21st October at the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia – Nicolosi site. Talks, round tables, excursions on Etna volcano and an optional guided excursion in the Etna area are planned. In particular, a specific half day section is dedicated to talks of the partners involved in the AEROMAT project.

The Conference Aeromat focuses on the aviation-safety twin and has as main objective to discuss innovative technology solutions in the fields of environmental modeling applied to aviation, of materials and devices used in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). In particular, among the issues affecting the aeronautics sector a special attention will be addressed to the impact that phenomena such as clouds of volcanic ashes, desert sand suspensions and extreme weather events have on airport infrastructures.

Application Form:

Costs (including inscription, meals, informative material):

STROMBOLI school 500,00 euro

AEROMAT conference 400,00 euro

Excursion Etna area 200,00 euro

Book Presentation 

“Physics Education for Young Students : An Interdisciplinary Approach”

14 September 2021       16h:30

Book Presentation 

“Physics experiments using Fourier transform and Wavelet transform”

02 September 2021

“MEDNIGHT”, Messina

27 agosto 2021

On August 27, a sailing boat hosting an international team of researchers will dock in Messina and sail around the Mediterranean to promote the MEDNIGHT project, a scientific dissemination event dedicated to Mediterranean science, of which the University of Messina is a partner.

On the occasion of the docking of the boat, some researchers from the University of Messina will promote a scientific dissemination activity during the Passeggiata a Mare, showing the results of simple scientific experiments to members of the public.

Among the various activities, the functioning of the telescope and astrolabe will be illustrated, some simple experiments on optics, the motion of bodies, fluids and the use of solar energy will be shown. Furthermore, with exhibitions and multimedia supports, the techniques for studying the biological characteristics of aquatic organisms, environmental weather modeling and the geo-territorial characteristics of the Strait of Messina will be described.

The event, which will take place in full compliance with the requirements for the prevention of Covid-19 contagion, is open to all citizens, and will take place at Passeggiata a Mare on 27 August 2021 from 6.00 pm to 9.00 pm.


The news was reported by several newspapers, including the “Gazzetta del Sud“:

Ten thousand meters above the volcano
Franco Italiano’s world record attempt

In the summer of 2021 Franco Italiano, a 64-year-old from Santa Venerina, a municipality in the province of Catania, will try to beat the world altitude record on a gyrocopter. The current record belongs to the Venetian Donatella Ricci, who managed to reach 8400 meters.
Italiano has the aim of reaching ten thousand metres, a suggestive measure, but which does not slow down the enthusiasm of those who have been flying for 35 years with the same passion as always. The body will be tested; at this altitude the temperatures fluctuate between -45 and -50 °C, the winds blow between 70 and 100 km/h, with peaks of gusts even close to 140 km/h.
The record attempt, in addition to the purely sporting aspect, reserves values and ideas of great cultural relevance. Etna, in fact, will be valorised in all its splendid derivations. The French press will also cover Franco Italiano’s record attempt. From a promotional point of view, a world record with such a particular naturalistic passage will arouse great attention and attract sector enthusiasts as well as numerous tourists.
In this framework, the meteorological research group operating at the Department of Mathematical and Informative, Physical and Earth Sciences (MIFT) of the University of Messina and at the CISFA Consortium, coordinated by Prof. Salvatore Magazù, a group that includes certified meteorologists, will offer the forecast support necessary to attempt to break the world record. In particular, the necessary weather forecasts will be provided, as well as specific highly personalized products (Skew-T) in which the expected meteorological parameters in the vertical column of the atmosphere near the volcanic area of Etna will be reported.


M’Illumino di Meno

The Inter-university Consortium of Applied Physical Sciences, among its activities, includes the study of correlations between climate changes and the genesis of extreme meteorological events in the Mediterranean area, such as, for example, precipitation accumulations and the genesis of tropical cyclones Mediterranean (Medicane) .

The research group is made up of: Prof. Salvatore Magazù, president of CISFA and full professor of Experimental Physics at the Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Physical Sciences and Earth Sciences (MIFT) of the University of Messina; Dr. Maria Teresa Caccamo; Dr. Giuseppe Castorina; Dr. Agostino Semperbello.

As part of the “M’illumino di meno 2021” initiative, i.e. the Day of energy saving and sustainable lifestyles launched by Caterpillar and Radio2, in which you are invited to talk about the small and large “Species leaps” in our lives.

CISFA is pleased to share its initiative, namely raising awareness of the transition towards a sustainable lifestyle, promoted since its foundation, through events, seminars, conferences and information activities. The set objective is to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and stem the problem of climate change and the consequences that the latter cause, with particular reference to the extreme events recorded in the Mediterranean area, widely studied within the CISFA.

World Meteorological Day – The Ocean, our Climate and Weather
23 March 2021

The Interuniversity Consortium of Applied Physical Sciences (CISFA) organizes the event celebrating World Meteorology Day. In particular, the World Meteorology Day event – The ocean, our climate and the weather  will take place on March 23, 2021 at 2.00 pm live on the Google Meet platform.

Messina, Extreme Weather Events and Civil Protection
Extreme Weather Events and Civil Protection: from knowledge of risks to prevention
October 16, 2020


On 16 October 2020 the Lions Club Messina Peloro organized the conference “Extreme Weather Events and Civil Protection: from knowledge of risks to prevention“. The event, held on the occasion of the “National Civil Protection Week” took place under the patronage of the Municipality of Messina, with the Civil Protection Department of Messina, with the Regional Department of Civil Protection and with the University of Messina.

Training Course in Meteorology
intended for the staff of the S.04 Service and the Decentralized Hydro Functional Center of the DRPC Sicily

The first day of the Meteorology Training Course for the staff of the S.04 Service and the Decentralized Functional Hydro Center of the DRPC Sicily took place today, 04/22/2020.

The lesson was held within the framework of the agreement stipulated with the Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Physical Sciences and Earth Sciences (MIFT) of the University of Messina and is the first of a cycle of 14 lessons during which the themes of the atmosphere will be addressed and its components will be explored in depth: temperatures, winds, finally meteorological models and methods of processing weather forecasts.

“The series of lessons, which involves 24 managers and officials of the Department – explains Giuseppe Basile, director of Service 04 and promoter of the training project – is aimed at improving the knowledge and skills of the staff responsible for the activities of the Hydrodecentralized Company Functional Center in subject of meteorology and Meteorological Unit, directed by Eng. Bruno Manfrè and hinged within the same Service, so as to be able to independently process Meteo-Hydrogeological and Hydraulic Alerts and monitor their evolution of events”.

“Through the agreement – states Calogero Foti, head of the DRPC Sicily – a collaborative relationship with the University of Messina is consolidated and the foundations are laid so that the MIFT can develop, in a short time, a large-scale meteorological forecasting model and limited capacity suitable for promoting the establishment of a Meteorological Service for regional civil protection and for providing the Decentralized Functional Hydro Center with autonomy in processing activities”.

The first lessons, held by Prof. Magazù (UniMe) and Lt. Col. Colombo (Air Force), introduced the participants to the world of meteorology through a historical excursus on the evolution of forecasting systems up to the description of the current system of international forecasting.

Details at the following link: 

International Conference on Atmospheric Monitoring Modeling and Simulation

The aim of the workshop is to deal with new trends in Atmospheric Monitoring Modeling and  Simulation, to put into  evidence the key role played by theoric and experimental approaches,  to stress the importance of interdisciplinarity and to promote the dialogue among disciplines and scientific dissemination.  The workshop is addressed to academics and researchers operating and/or interested in the fields of Atmospheric Modeling.

International Closure Workshop PIK project titled “Resolution Elastic Neutron Scattering Time of Flight Spectrometer Operating following the Repetition Rate Multiplication Mode”

The workshop aims to present the main results and outputs obtained within the ELETTRA PIK project titled “Resolution Elastic Neutron Scattering Time of Flight Spectrometer Operating following the Repetition Rate Multiplication Mode”. The project was addressed to the design and optimization of a neutron scattering spectrometer whose operating mode allows to collect the elastically scattered neutron intensity as a function of a variable instrumental energy resolution, in line with the Resolution Elastic Neutron Scattering (RENS) approach.

In particular, different proposed instrument configurations will be discussed, includingtheILLIN5 based operating mode, the sandwich-type WAVES device, and the statistical chopper based spectrometer. Within the event some simulations that prove the validity of the approaches will be presented.

In closure, there will be a connection via Skype with ESS scholars.

New Approaches to Study Complex Systems

The New Approaches to Study Complex Systems event will take place in Messina from 27 to 28 November 2017 and will involve world-renowned experts on highly topical topics that represent the most stimulating scientific challenges today.

The “New Approaches to Study Complex Systems” event will constitute an intense moment of exchange and dialogue for researchers from different disciplines, encouraging and supporting in particular the participation of young scientists.

The event is organized by the University of Messina, the Peloritana Academy of Pericolanti and the Interuniversity Consortium of Physical and Applied Sciences (CISFA).

World Meteorological Day – Understanding Clouds
23 March 2017

The Universities of Messina and Reggio Calabria, with the patronage of the Italian Association of Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology (AISAM), in collaboration with the Meteorological Service of the Air Force, the National Research Council (CNR), the Inter-university Consortium of Applied Physics Sciences (CISFA), the Sicilian Agrometeorological Information Service (SIAS), organizes an event celebrating the
World Meteorology Day.

In particular, on 23 March 2017 at 10.30 am in the Messeri Hall – Botany Building on the 3rd floor of the Papardo University Center of the University of Messina, the World Meteorology Day – Understanding Clouds event will take place.

International Interdisciplinary Event “Science for Life”
Lampedusa 20 – 25 Maggio 2015

Science for Life” is an event created with the collaboration of the “O’Scià Foundation” founded in 2003 by the Italian singer-songwriter Claudio Baglioni: “Music is science for our heart. Science is music for our mind”.

The event, which took place on the island of Lampedusa in May 2015, was structured into four phases:

20 – 22 May International School of Spectroscopic Techniques Applied to Life Sciences;
22 May International Workshop Science and society: diseases, treatments and ethical issues;
23 – 24 May BIONEUTRON 2015 International Workshop: Highlights of Neutron Scattering in Life Sciences;
24 – 25 May International Workshop Good news for life sciences: advances in advanced methods, understanding of diseases and pharmaceutical discoveries.

The event had a strong symbolic meaning, marking the “baptism” of Lampedusa as the Capital of Science and Peace, thus representing the first step in the construction of the International Center for Interdisciplinary Studies “Science for Life”.