The Consortium makes use of public and public-private research laboratories and through actions aimed at obtaining regional, national and international funding from public and private sources supports research activities and scientific dissemination activities. Furthermore, the Consortium pursues the following objectives:

  • promotes courses (seminars, masters, etc.) of scientific dissemination and scientific journalism;
  • promotes the publication, including online, of informative volumes relating to the exact sciences;
  • promotes guided tours and training and scientific activities at public, public-private laboratories and laboratories;
  • promotes, coordinates and carries out – among the consortium members and other national and international universities and research bodies, public and private companies – monitoring, research, patenting activities and other scientific and applicative activities and interdisciplinary collaboration, for the purposes of scientific progress knowledge and technologies and their diffusion in the field of applied physical sciences with particular reference to Biophysics and Physics Applied to the Energy Sector;
  • promotes, encourages and supports, also through scholarships and research activities, the preparation, both basic and in technological developments and applications, of students of all levels, researchers and experts;
  • initiates actions aimed at transferring research results into applications and patenting activities, as well as dissemination activities;
  • participates in programs relating to research and scientific dissemination of the European Union or other regional, national and international bodies (e.g. PRIN, PON-REC, PSR-PSL, PIK Sincrotrone, CNR, etc…);
  • promotes, coordinates and carries out the planning, implementation and management of educational and applied research laboratories;
  • promotes, coordinates and implements the design, construction and management of scientific equipment for educational purposes and in national and international laboratories;

The Consortium has stipulated agreements with external national and international bodies operating in sectors of scientific interest and has participated in the study, planning and implementation of scientific initiatives of an informative and educational nature as part of international cooperation projects and agreements.